Saturday, October 11, 2008

JDM (Japan Domestic Market) que significa carro del mercado domestico japones, esta presente en los shows y carreras reconocidas en el continente asiatico. es adorado por fans en el mundo entero en su gran mayoria por jovenes que adquieren su primer carro invirtiendo en la maquina de su vehiculo para correrlo, la estetica del vehiculo conserva sus lineas originales. El propio nombre JDM se subentiende que son vehiculos de fabricantes japoneses, los carros mas usados para el JDM son el Honda Civic, Acura Integra, el Nissan 240sx y el Sky line que son muy conocidos. sus caracteristicas marcadas son los focos delanteros mbar (Naranja), ruedas cromadas o personalizadas de otros colores que varian de 13 a 17 pulgadas, cofre de carbono y otra diferente carroceria o body kit de simples conceptos siempre y cuando el vehiculo no pierda las lineas originales, el JDM es restringido al personalizar de detalles para formar un estilo deportivo. en el no caben los body kits agresivos ni las luces de neonENGINE PERFORMANCE La verdadera esencia del DM esta bajo el cofre, con los motores alterados desde la cabeza, pistones, bielas forjadas, valvulas con mayor abertura, colectores, frenos de mayor diametro y amortiguadores mas rigidos. a diferencia de TUNING el JDM se invierte mas en el motor dejando en segundo plano la estetica del vehiculo, el JDM busca vehiculos de alto desempeño.
what we could have been, 12:42 PM.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There's this Guy.
He kinda has my Heart.
what we could have been, 11:50 AM.
Thursday, August 14, 2008

The word psychedelic is an English term coined from the Greek words for "soul," ψυχή (psyche), and "manifest," δήλος (delos). A psychedelic experience is characterized by the perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its ostensibly ordinary fetters. Psychedelic states are an array of experiences elicited by sensory deprivation as well as by psychedelic substances. Such experiences include hallucinations, changes of perception, synesthesia, altered states of awareness, mystical states, and occasionally states resembling psychosis.
The term was first coined as a noun in 1957 by psychiatrist Humphry Osmond as an alternative descriptor for hallucinogenic drugs in the context of psychedelic psychotherapy. The term featured prominently in a now-famous exchange with Aldous Huxley, in which the little-used term phanerothyme (derived from roots relating to "spirit" or "soul") was suggested.
The fashion for psychedelic drugs gave its name to the visual style of psychedelia, a term describing a category of rock music known as psychedelic rock, visual art, fashion, and culture that is associated originally with the high 1960s, hippies, and the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco, California. Psychedelia generally began in 1966, but truly took off in 1967 with the Summer of Love. Although associated with San Francisco, the style soon spread across the US, and worldwide.
The counterculture of the 1960s had a strong influence on the popular culture of the early 1970s, and is well recognized even by those who are naïve to its psychedelic origins. It later became linked to a style of electronic dance music commonly known as psychedelic trance.
what we could have been, 12:14 AM.

So, I have a boyfriend. Hypothetically. My Super Benito*. He's so HOT!!
We are engaged now.
He's won 6 Carshows in 2 years.
I know anybody would fall in love with him; but he's MINE. Well, and his owner's. But mostly mine.
I love him. And he loves me back.
I saw him today. With his new look.
Fabulous new look.
So, yeah.
That was all.
Oh, and if you want to meet his great dad, just go to links and click on Rafa.
what we could have been, 11:24 PM.
Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings. This article focuses on the notion specific to interpersonal relationships. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.That is what Wikipedia would say.
But what does "friendship" mean? Is it safe? Is it gentle? Is it true?
Maybe. Maybe not.
You see, my friends could be described with what "Wikipedia" says. But they are actually more than that.
More than knowledge; service; good moments; loyalty; advice.
To me, they mean everything.
Sometimes I sit, and think to myself 'what if I didn't have these friends?'. But then again, why wouldn't I?
I am everyday grateful for them and I wish they never went away.
Gelany is really, really special. She is the most wonderful friend I've ever known.
Italo is just Unique. His personality compares to no one else's. I love him for that.
Brian has the charisma to make anybody spend a good time. He is special in his own way.
Rafael is really funny. He could turn anything into a big laugh.
For that, I Love Them All!
what we could have been, 11:40 PM.

El 17 de junio del 2008; yo cene Avena con pan.
pq Nini y Gabriela de Jesus me enseniaron a preparala!
y me quedo ma buena!
aunque gaby me dijo de una malageta noseque ahi.
q no sabia lo q era.
y no le eche.
pero na.
el punto e q cene algo q me guta.
Gracias nini y gaby!
what we could have been, 4:57 PM.

Finally I am a Graduate.
All those memories.
All those friends.
Those are things we should never forget.
There are some people I will never forget.
My BestFriends.
They are my entire life.
Los Muchachos. Love You All.
Chantti. Te Adoro!
Clau. You Know!
Erika. Shortyy!
Yasi. Mi More!
Robertico. TQM.
Class of '08. I Will Never Forget You!
what we could have been, 2:15 AM.

The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice. Hearing you speak my name. Beckoning me to answer. Telling me you want me. So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love. Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us. Tracing your shadowscape. Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and all its divinity and I praise you. Because all of that is for me.
I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies. Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts. Dripping down my chin. Your taste is something Godiva couldn't re-create. Needing every atom of your anatomy. Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity. Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesness. Subconsciously, I find myself rewinding our love scenes in my daydreams.
Seeing that face you make. And it makes me want you right there and then, thinking of you in inappropriate places I get tingling sensations in private locations where I wish to be caught between a rock and your hard place. As wetness develops my legs begin to open and my spot turns to a backdraft and all I want you to do is extinguish it. You know my body like the back of your hands and touch me and send me into ecstacy.
My thighs quiver in anticipation of deep penetration which gets me high. Body rising. Sweating. Panting. Make-up melting. Pulling my hair and scratching my back. I get a temporary case of tourettes because all I can say are four letter words in a four octave-range screaming your name.
I see your tongue pink between your lips and I want it between mine. And I struggle as you lick, torturing me, I try to get away but not really. Running out of room, begging for more up against the wall that has been scuffed by my stilletos. Again you pry apart my thighs and tell me to be still and I willingly submit to you because I love the way you dominate me. Demanding that I cum for you so I do as I'm told. You've molded me so I'm good to no-one else but you. You've conquered this once orgasmicless world and multiplied it again and again.
My face radiates with after-glow. My pillow scented by you. A fragrance which haunts me. My room smells of the best sex. Covered in body prints and finger prints and you above me. Your name written indelibly upon my body in your genetic history.
what we could have been, 7:55 PM.
How to define a word so small yet so big? Life. When you hear that expression, what is supposed to cross your mind? Wikipedia defines life as: "
a condition that distinguishes organisms from non-living objects, such as non-life, and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism and reproduction". But is that really what it means? Maybe no one will be able to anser that; except for God.
Some say life has no meaning at all and that the purpose of it is to bring pain and sufferment to the world. Others say it is the most wonderful thing that could happen. Maybe that is why there is so much chaos. Because nobody will ever by comfortable with others' opinion.
But then again, isn't that what life is about?
Sometimes I wish people could explain why bad things happen. But why do good things do? It is just probably another thing "mankind" cannot explain.
And the theory of evolution. If the Big Bang theory should be true, then why can't a man understand the brain's functions? And if it to be true that we evolved from a monkey, then why do we see so many monkeys not being turned into human beings? Maybe the world doesn't even know what to believe in anymore.
So if someone could just PLEASE explain the true meaning of Life, I would really appreciate it.
That is all.
what we could have been, 12:25 AM.